Having two kiddos is a whole different ball game, so excuse my excuse for not blogging for a while ;) It's such a blessing to all be under the same roof, and we now have an almost three-year-old, in one month, and a one-month-old! Where the heck does time go??!! Ivie is such a good baby. I mean really really good! We are fortunate. Although that has some time to change. She is going to be a chunk here soon! Already out of her preemie clothes, newborn stuff is still a bit big, but that girl loves to eat! She weighed in at 6.3 lbs at her one month and is growing like a weed. I had a hard mommy moment, or week, really, last week when I made the decision to stop pumping. It makes me mad when people judge about breast milk/bottle fed babies. There is no right answer. It's what works for you. So I had pumped every three hours for 30 days straight for 20 min each time. Do the math. That's a lot of pumping. I didn't mind the pumping, but after 16 days and Ivie being home, I w...