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Showing posts from November, 2014

A few of my favorite things in November

November is usually the start of the holidays for us. We used to wait until almost Thanksgiving, but since having kids, it's necessary to start much earlier! I'm sure my husband would agree ;) With that, I'm leaving you with my most favorite things about the month of November. Christmas movies! If it were my choice, we would watch them all day everyday. The music, the happy endings, and how they make you feel all fluttery inside. Some of our favorites are Home alone 1 & 2, the Grinch, Christmas Story, Elf, Miracle on 34th street, and Christmas with the Kranks. Starbucks holiday drinks and the red cups! Pretty much, it's Christmas in a cup! Traditions: we love traditions that start in November! One we started three years ago was hosting Thanksgiving at our house. It's nice to have the girls at home and be able to cook for everyone. A new tradition we started this year was inviting our family with Turkey Tickets. Each person must fill out their ticket with ...

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month

Derik and I raise money for Cystic Fibrosis year around. We have never raised money for epilepsy. Let me tell you why. CF is easier for us to deal with than epilepsy is. I'm not comfortable with epilepsy yet, even after seeing my daughter struggle with seizures for three years. We avoid it, because it's a touchy subject. But, with that said, November is Epilepsy awareness month, and in honor of my sweetest Zoie, since Nov has 30 days, I give to you 30 things we, not everyone, has experienced with seizures and epilepsy. I'm hoping this helps me by opening up a little about a "not so easy" subject, and that it let's you all into our world a bit. With this, be kind to the families, friends, and people who struggle with epilepsy on a daily basis. It's not easy. *Zoie had her first seizure when she was 2.5 months old *She was originally diagnosed with meningitis *at 4 months she was diagnosed with microcephaly or small head which was now the cause of her epi...