Hey Ivie Mae-bay. That's what I call you, either that or Ives. I can't believe you're turning one. It seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with you after one miscarriage and lining tests up to see if you were healthy. When I found out I was pregnant with you, I told your daddy and no one else for a while. We kept you our little secret for a while until we knew you were healthy. I think we knew deep down you were, because we trusted God, but the odds were stacked against you. You were "supposed" to have either Cystic Fibrosis or Microcephaly like your sister, so we call you our miracle baby. You didn't have either, and you were a perfect little baby growing inside of my tummy, so at 10 weeks after genetic tests confirmed you were a girl, we named you Ivie Mae. You and I got lots of bonding time your last two weeks in the womb. We spend those two weeks in Greeley, sitting on a bed in the hospital, as I got to hear and watch your heart beat 24 hours a...