I haven't blogged for a while. Life takes you to unexpected places, and these 2 girls keep me more than busy! I blog when I want to share a great deal of information, or need to get stuff off my chest and can't have the same conversation 20 times. Today we had the highest highs, and some really low lows. Maybe it happens that way so you find peace in a tough situation. We got a repeat, repeat, repeat, sweat test done for Zoie on Friday. She had two As a newborn, one 3 months ago, and one on Friday. Only 2 of the 4 have come back with results. Her newborn one read 36, Friday's read 80. What this means..... 36 was very low. If that's all we had to base her CF off of, we would say she doesn't have CF, but genetically she did, therefor she was on the cusp of having it. We wanted to do a repeat now to see if levels had changed, or if her CF had changed and what we needed to do as she gets older. Friday's was an 80. A ton higher than 4 years ago. This is bad, and good...