I started running right after Zoie was born. As a mom, it was something I enjoyed. I could pop her in the stroller, get fresh air and a workout while still being with her, but doing something for myself. At that time I was only running 2-3 miles. But, Zoie has always known running, and what it feels like from her side of the fence (being in a stroller with fresh air on her face.) After I had Ivie, I had gained close to 40 lbs with a preemie and needed to get my weight off somehow. So I picked up my running. I set goals, I got a new, 2 new 😜 Double joggers, and I started slow. Pushing an extra 150 lbs isn't easy, but it kicks your butt into gear. One of my goals was to run a half sometime in my life since all I knew was 5K's. So I trained with my girls by my side for 3 months and completed my first half in May 2015. It was easier than I had thought, for being my fist one, but I didn't realize what it physically would make me feel like afterwards. This is when I remembered s...