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Showing posts from September, 2014

"Be present in all things, and thankful for all things"- Maya Angelo

September has flown by here at the Cissell household! I didn't even know Labor Day had passed (honestly!) so apparently I haven't been present for September. September means Fall time in our home! Our favorite season :) It's so much easier to do stuff with the girls, because it's not too hot, or too cold yet! We love Fall! Our sweet Ivie Mae is experiencing her first Fall :) She has quite a bit of body fat, so the temperature drops haven't affected her much! She turned 6 months yesterday. For a second I wanted to sob and feel sorry for myself that I no longer have a tiny baby anymore, but she is so much fun right now and the sweetest, so no need to feel sad ;) I can tell for the first time that she was born early. She isn't quiet doing what other six month olds are doing, but me of all people knows to not compare! She is working on sitting, but tumbles forward Everytime, she has found her tootsies, she is still sleeping solid in her crib every night, she is sc...