It seems like February creeps up so quickly every year. It means we are closer to Spring and warm weather, we did our 65 Roses Fundraiser, Valentine's Day, and Rare Disease Day is Saturday Feb 28th this year. I never knew what a rare disease was, and I say this not proudly, but nor did I care a few years ago. I was in a, "life is perfect, life is beautiful, nothing bad ever happens" type of world. I wish someone would have informed me about some rare diseases, how to learn about them, how to bring or raise awareness for them, and how to support someone who was going through something like this. But, no one did. So I'm going to be that person, and inform you, and probably tell you more than you want to know, but knowledge is power, and maybe by sharing some of these things with you that you may not know, you will one day be able to help someone. Or even be there for someone. Rare diseases suck. They suck because with 90% of them, you will hear the word fatal. Fatal me...