My original OB doc sat me down 8 weeks ago and told me she wanted me to see a specialist for our 20 weeks ultrasound. Not because there were any factors pointing to abnormalities, but because I'm one of those weird people, who no matter what we do, we get thrown curve balls when it comes to pregnancies and births. Walking into that appointment today, Derik and I had zero fears, and zero doubts that everything was going to be perfect. And perfect she was! 10 little fingers, 10 little toes, a big ol' noggin, 4 chambers on her heart, and she was moving like crazy. Let me back up and say that Derik and I took the necessary steps we felt we needed to to ensure that we have a healthy baby. But, we also know, that in the end, God is in full control and it's His plan. Always! So, after looking Charlie Fae over, our doctor proceeded to tell us that she has a white spot on her heart. It's not small, but it's also not large. This white spot is a sign of Downs Syndrome. I can...