Derik starts his new job on Tuesday, which means we won't get an actual "weekend" with him for a few weeks. His weekends will now be Wednesdays and Thursdays. This was our last actual weekend with him for a while and it was a good one :) If you know about Cystic Firbrosis, your lungs collect and hang on to mucus. For the past two years we have been doing CPT treatments on Zoie, patting on her lungs for 20 minutes a day. She is now, well, sorta big enough, but old enough for a vest! What a vest does is goes on her exactly like a life jacket, inflates with a pump, then vibrates for 15 minutes at a time to loosen up her secretions. I was so excited for this because I truly think it will help her stay out of the hospital and she shouldn't get sick quite so easy. Well, we recieved her vest Saturday, bright pink :) and the lady came on Sunday to set up the machine for us and show us how to use it. Needless to say, it will take some getting used to for Zoie, and when...