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You would think I could come up with a better title than therapies, but that was the best I could give you this morning.
I recently read a book where a mom was talking about her daughter being in therapy, PT, OT, speech, all the therapies they offer to you when you find out your kiddo is going to need some extra help and an extra push.  This mom looked forward to having the OT therapist come over because he was a handsome 20 some-year-old, with thick dark hair and pretty eyes.  Yes she is married, but why not have a reason to look forward to doing therapies with her daughter right?  At least she used it as motivation to get herself ready for the day,and get her house picked up after being down in the dumps when finding out her daughter was born with downs syndrome. 
Sometimes having your kids enrolled in therapies can be intimidating, especially when they come to your house, see your lifestyle, and push harder than ever to have your son/daughter accomplish certain things.  I can see why she needed motivation to look forward to it.
We started PT, OT, and speech therapy one year ago with Zoie.  I had recieved a call from Foothills Gateway, a community based, free services therapy center.  They came and did a lengthy eval on Zoie, and told me all the things she wasnt doing, as they continued to scan down their list of things she should be doing.  It's always hard to hear as a parent; to have your child compared to the average one-year-old.  As I sat with tears in my eyes, and a heavy heart, because I wanted Zoie to be like all the other one-year-olds, I told them with a comforting voice, I think more for myself to hear, "I think she is doing really well for what doctors told us.  Anyways, why is it our decision to decide what she should and shouldn't be doing?  God knows what she is capable of, and she will go at her own pace."
We got set up with two of the most amazing therapists.  PT, and OT have been coming to our house for the last year, once a week, helping me, helping Zoie, and cheering her on.  Zoie doesn't walk, Zoie doesn't crawl, but she does SO much more than she was doing last year.  She will stand, when she wants to :)  She has her own way of rolling around, propping herself up on her elbow, and twisting to head in a new direction.  She is SO close to mastering sitting, working on that balance, and her hands work wonderfully now compared to what they did.  Not perfect yet, but perfect for now :)  She talks in her own language, and knows mommy and daddy.  It's the cutest thing when we step outside she squeels and lets us know she loves being out there.  She has also mastered looking at books and turning pages, takes after her mommy as a teacher :)
Today we have our annual meeting with her PT, OT, and head of Foothills Gateway.  I know we are going to hear that she hasn't reached certain goals, but im looking forward to talking about what she has accomplished, and setting new goals for the next six months :)
I am so thankful for the therapists who work with Zoie.  I have learned so much from them, and they have become little cheerleaders for our little peanut.  They are no longer intimidating, but our friends, and a huge part of our life. 
So, Zoie, if I could tell you one thing today, it would be this; What you're capable of doing now is perfect.  Everyone around you is so proud of you.  As your parents, we will push you, because we believe in you.  You may not always like sitting for 30 minutes straight, or having us play with your hands, but trust us, it's because we love you, and we are so proud of you!  We cannot wait to see what you learn to do in the next six months and year <3


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