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Showing posts from December, 2013

Reflecting on 2013

As another blessed year comes to a close, it's hard not to reflect on all the things God has blessed us with in 2013.  It's also a time to think a little into the future, not to plan as we have learned, but set some goals for ourselves.  As I sat with Derik the other day at dinner, I asked him what some of the things he was wanting to accomplish in 2014 were.  His answer stumped me, and left me with nothing else to say.  "Babe, I don't think a year ahead, I think a day ahead.  You should know this by now."  - well okay then ;) This is true when it comes to our life.  We have to wake up everyday thanking God for giving us another day, and a healthy day at that. I guess I am more of the planner in the relationship so yes, it's only natural of me to think into the future, a little.  Sorry babe. :) Before we move into the new year, I thought I would reflect a little on what God has provided us with, blessed us with, and taught ...

Ivie Mae, our 2nd blessing

This entry will be dedicated to our sweet girl who we expect to arrive in May.  Ill add pictures to it every few weeks...enjoy :) We used this picture to surprise family when I was ten weeks. 18 weeks. The size of a sweet potato. I am finally over my sickness, and have energy back. 21 weeks. The size of a papaya.  I might as well live in NE, because all I want to eat is meats, potatoes, and bread!

Christmas 2013

Zoie and I were lucky enough to spend six straight days with Derik over Christmas.  He has to go back to work tomorrow, and I'm not sure we will know what to do with a quiet house.  Just wanted to share some of our favorite Christmas moments with you.  Remember, Christmas is a day, we don't always have to celebrate it on "Christmas" but a little before and a little after works too. We ate yummy cinnamon rolls for Christmas Eve morning.      We got to attend a beautiful Christmas Eve service this year.  Singing Silent Night is my all time favorite!     My Christmas gift     Hanging out with Auntie Laura on Christmas Eve.     Zoie did so well Christmas Eve opening presents.  She loved pulling the paper out of the bags!     It was really tough to get a good family picture with everyone :)     Christmas morning....Luckily we got som...

Keeping it, well, not boring :-)

We have had quite the week, luckily we are getting it all over with before Christmas. Zoie loves playing on the floor, and would 24.7 if you let her. She got her foot caught under the bathroom door, then rolled and her foot stayed put. Ouch! She cried for a minute then wanted to keep playing. After being up all night and constant crying the next day, we took her into the doctor. She got her legs, ankles, and feet x-rayed. She is so good with stuff like that. She just lays there, puts her hands behind her head, and lounges. Nothing was broken, just a torn ligament . Thank goodness. Im not sure how Zoie would handle a cast ;-) Last night, we were doing a vest treatment for her Cystic Fibrosis and she was doing fine with it. After we were done, she started wheezing really bad and changed color. She was having what seemed like an asthma attack. By the time 911 showed up, her breathing was better. Im so used to her seizures, we weren't quite sure how to handle a breathing malfunction....


I am going to make this short and sweet, because it's kinda hard for me to still talk about, but the reason I do this blog is to answer people's questions, let you into our life a little bit, and for myself.  It's something besides praying I do to get stuff off my chest, put it on paper, or in this case on a computer screen, and then move on. As most of you know, our family had a very hard few days in and out of ER's and trying to figure out what was going on with our little Zoie.  She has seizures, but only one of two every two to three weeks.  They are manageable, but of course we are always trying our best to stop them for good.  It's a work in progress. On Tuesday morning, Zoie woke up crying.  If you were here every morning with her, you would know something was wrong.  Zoie doesn't wake up crying, she wakes up rubbing your face saying "dada." She is the happiest kid you will meet, even after all she goes through.  By 10 that morning, she had ha...