We have had quite the week, luckily we are getting it all over with before Christmas.
Zoie loves playing on the floor, and would 24.7 if you let her. She got her foot caught under the bathroom door, then rolled and her foot stayed put. Ouch! She cried for a minute then wanted to keep playing. After being up all night and constant crying the next day, we took her into the doctor. She got her legs, ankles, and feet x-rayed. She is so good with stuff like that. She just lays there, puts her hands behind her head, and lounges. Nothing was broken, just a torn ligament . Thank goodness. Im not sure how Zoie would handle a cast ;-)
Last night, we were doing a vest treatment for her Cystic Fibrosis and she was doing fine with it. After we were done, she started wheezing really bad and changed color. She was having what seemed like an asthma attack. By the time 911 showed up, her breathing was better. Im so used to her seizures, we weren't quite sure how to handle a breathing malfunction. At least we now know it's possible and something to watch for. She was totally fine an hour after and has been fine all day. Guess she just likes to keep us on our toes!
Last and most importantly, we had our 6th month checkup with epilepsy today. We are SO thankful for Dr. Park . She is so knowledgeable and wonderful with Zoie. I remember when I first met her. We butted heads..... Now I always need her for Zoies sake!
Zoie weighed 19.5 lbs and was 32 inches long! We got to discuss Zoies cluster she had a few weeks ago, still not having any rhime or reason for it. We also haven't nested around with medicine for Zoie for a while. We feel it's time to add something to see if we can eliminate more seizures. We have some options. One, is the medical marijuana, with no THC, in an oil form. This is such a new thing, and it has given some kids strokes , or caused brain damage. There just isn't enough research on it yet in the medical field. We feel like there are some other things to try first. Next option is adding a third medicine, has a very high success rate, but a side affect of it is it can cause pancreatitis. It's one of those things you have to say, "what outweighs the other?" Are stopping her seizures more important, or having pancreatitis? Well either are horrible. Zoies pancreas is so touchy with her already having it twice, but it may not affect her pancreas. So, the beginning of January, we will add this third medicine, pray, do weekly blood draws, poor girl, and watch her pancreas levels. If they start to go up at all, we pull the medicine. It's not easy, but we have to try. Derik and I aren't the type to just sit back and say, "well, we are happy the way things are." no.... We keep trying and push for what's better with Zoie. Please be praying for her seizures and her pancreas. Im hoping the medicine works somehow.
If the medicine does affect her pancreas, our next option is surgery. Zoie would get an implant put in her chest, that has a cord that goes up to her brain stem. It's pretty much permanent. It has a high success rate with making seizures shorter and a lot more spaced out The words surgery, neurosurgeon, and Zoie dont sit well.... That's why we are trying one more med first. In the meantime, we will be doing research on the surgery and talking with doctors for the future if it's something we decide. Overall , a very good appt, just a bit intimidating. Yes, we are strong, but things still get to us.
We will be praying that whatever will work or whatever is best for our Zoie, that's where we will be led <3
With all of that said, and set to the side, we are so ready for Christmas and a whole lot of family time. That's what it's all about, and is always about. My family <3 We wish all of you a very merry Christmas! Ill be sure to post a Christmas blog after the holidays because we have been having some major fun!
I remember when you were born, 4 very short years ago. School wasn't even in your dad and I's minds. It's almost as if we forgot that when you have a child, part of them growing up is sending them off to school. You would think this would have crossed my mind being an Elementary Ed Grad, but we were so caught up in the now, and making sure we took our lives day by day, that no, school never came up. We decided to keep you home for your first year of preschool, due to your Cystic Fibrosis and learning delays. We wanted to strengthen your immune system an extra year, keep working on home therapies to help your brain development, speech, and muscle movement. You also had a very special friend at home to learn and grow with you; your baby sister Ivie. The last year you two have taught each other so much, she has pushed you, and you have pushed her. I'm so thankful we kept you home for that extra year! We have found a great preschool for you! It's called the Monroe Ear...
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