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I am going to make this short and sweet, because it's kinda hard for me to still talk about, but the reason I do this blog is to answer people's questions, let you into our life a little bit, and for myself.  It's something besides praying I do to get stuff off my chest, put it on paper, or in this case on a computer screen, and then move on.
As most of you know, our family had a very hard few days in and out of ER's and trying to figure out what was going on with our little Zoie.  She has seizures, but only one of two every two to three weeks.  They are manageable, but of course we are always trying our best to stop them for good.  It's a work in progress.
On Tuesday morning, Zoie woke up crying.  If you were here every morning with her, you would know something was wrong.  Zoie doesn't wake up crying, she wakes up rubbing your face saying "dada." She is the happiest kid you will meet, even after all she goes through.  By 10 that morning, she had had about 5 seizures, and all she wanted to do was sleep.  After calling my dad, letting some tears flow, and debating, we took her to the er because her rescue meds weren't doing anything.  Now im sure all you know this, but if your kids ever have seizures, please don't let them have five before going to the er.  Zoie is a way different case and we are semi-trained with this stuff.
They sent us home that night, thinking the new emergency med they tried was going to work for the night.  It didn't.  But it also was snowing crazy outside and freezing.  I let Derik go to bed and told him I would stay up all night to watch Zoie.  I couldn't just sleep too, she kept having seizures in her sleep and would stop breathing for seconds at a time.  It was the worst night I have had.  If I could go back, we would probably have braved the snow, a three hour drive, and went to Children's.  Thanks to God above, we all survived that night.
We went back to the Loveland er that next day, them putting Zoie on a bridge medicine to get her over this hump of seizures and sent us home.  Yes, don't worry.  We learned to go to Chidlren's er from now on.  Derik and I still are learning as well.  We just do our very best. 
After they sent us home for the second time, I called Derik in tears, telling him I couldn't do another night of staying up all night watching Zoie suffer.  I was drained, emotional, and I am pregnant, which doesn't help, so we went to Children's finally, after two days of this continuing seizures.
When we got there she stopped having them and hasn't had one since.  There was no sign of infection, no blood clot or tumor in her brain, it's a mystery as to why she was having so many. 
Her last dose of the bridge medicine is tomorrow night.  Of course we are nervous to stop it because she may go back to having more.  But we know what to do now.  We go straight to Children's.
If I could ask for one thing, it's that you pray for Zoie's seizures to go away.  After the med stops, and always.  They are hard, but we do it.  We are blessed Zoie recovered SO fast from 40+ seizures in a two day period.  She is back to herself again, and we are spending all our time at home snuggling and enjoying "her." I have went to bed every night since Tuesday, praying that Zoie has a healthy sleep, and that we all wake up in the morning.  I know a mom shouldn't have to pray that, but I feel like we were getting comfortable, forgetting about what is truly important, and needed a check. 
It's so nice being home even though we were only gone a few days off and on.  It's Christmas time, every family needs to be at home <3 
I didn't mean this to be depressing at all.  We are actually doing very well, as long as Zoie is, which she is!  I just like opening up my heart and now you all really know what to pray for.
I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to send us the most heart warming messages, voice mails, texts, brought us dinner, helped us, prayed for us, and offered to help us.  I know we are surrounded by love, and most of all Zoie is.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! 


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