It’s been 3 years since I wrote a blog. So long in fact that I had to download the Blogger App on my phone because blogging has changed and I couldn’t figure out how to create a new entry. I asked Ivie what she thought I should name this blog post after telling her what I was going to write about, and she came up with, “Zoie Rae Getting Older.” It’s pretty fun to have girls old enough to share my blog with! So, here’s my shot at sharing what it’s like to have a 10-year-old amazing needs kiddo, and some things that the world doesn’t prep you for as they get older, some life updates, and prayer requests too. Alright, let’s be honest and start by saying we never thought Zoie would live to see 10, so praise God for this, and going an amazing whole year without a seizure! Miracles are all around us and I love witnessing them. As Zoie has gotten older and stayed so healthy we are navigating puberty and hormones with the help of an endocrinologist (a whole new team to our list of teams,)...
Today we celebrate World Rare Disease Day. To me, this means celebrating Zoie, for all that she is, and all that she will be. Being the mom of a medically complex/medically fragile child, is the true meaning of bittersweet. You spend your time full of emotions, not being sure what tomorrow may hold, which rings true for every single person on Earth. Zoie has Cystic Fibrosis which is a lung disease. Because of this, she is more likely to develop colds, coughs, lung infections, which can all be deadly. Zoie has Microcephaly. This means her brain is smaller than average, which causes her to have severe learning disabilities. Zoie has epilepsy. This causes her to have seizures which are managed by 3 different daily medications, a VNS implanted in her chest, and CBD oil. Zoie also has Cerebral Palsy. This is why she cannot walk, crawl, drools often, and has trouble holding things. She’s what doctors call, “very complicated.” Being the mom of Zoie, means that when you go to have other childr...