Does anyone else get the Sunday Blues when Christmas is all over and you're taking your stuff down saying, " sheesh that went fast! Now what?" I do. And it happens every single year. Although, it would have helped if our snow would have come a little sooner rather than these 50 and 60 degree temps. That didn't help make it feel like Christmas one bit. I'm a Christmas lover. Lover isn't even the right word. I eat, live, and breath Christmas for as long as I possibly can, or as long as my husband will let me. It makes me feel cozy inside! As I went through Starbucks today to order an Eggnog latte, they said they were out for the season..... How are they already out before New Years is even here? I have the lady grief at the window! It's like they were excited to get their red cups out of there along with their eggnog or something. Ha.
My family had a beautiful Christmas. It was perfect. I was such a nervous wreck leading up to to because it's always a rough time of year with so much commotion for Zoie and her seizures. We were able to have her on a bridge medicine to get us over a rough hump of seizures and it worked! It got us through the last week seizure few thank you God.
Ivie had a wonderful first Christmas :) it wore her out, and all she wanted to do was steal all of Zoie's toys and vise versa, and eat the paper. The paper was a big hit this year :)
After Christmas it felt like our house was a war zone with millions of new toys everywhere and piles of clothes! These girls are fortunate to have several grandparents who spoil them, and get them toys we put to good use being home all day everyday.
Toys and clothes are wonderful and all, but truthfully, i got what I wanted this year for Christmas and that was my three people, all at home with me, healthy, and happy. It's weird how as stuff happens in your life, certain things become important, as other stuff drifts off. Last year we spent Christmas at Children's Hospital, with a gang member in the room next to us, my pregnant belly not comfortable on the tiny bed I was sharing with Zoie, and crying in the cafeteria because I felt bad for us. That was something we prayed and prayed wouldn't happen this year. And it didn't, so it truly was a perfect Christmas.
I was looking back at all my blogs over the past year of 2014, and I decided that this has been the best year of our lives yet. It was challenging at times, but none the less pretty dang spectacular!
Last February we helped with 65 Roses and raised about 25,000 dollars to go to the CF Foundation, on March 14th Zoie got a VNS put in at Children's Hospital, which was hard on us as a family but if it was going to help her we had to try. Two days later on a March 16th I was getting ready for a birthday breakfast with my dad and my water broke. 32 weeks and I was held up in the hospital on bed rest while Derik went into panic mode on how to care for Zoie around the clock all on his own. Ivie was born on March 28th and spent 16 days in the nicu, but man was it a joy when we brought her home and were finally a family of four under one roof after 5 long weeks! Zoie turned three in May, and it's a big celebration when doctors had told you she may not live to be three. Take that docs! We spent our summer on long walks, having pool days, and buying a new home in the same neighborhood. Derik started as Area Manager for Enterprise this summer as well, and in Sept we were able to sneak away for the weekend for some adult time in Denver. In October, Derik was a part of Colorado's Finest and raised 11,000 dollars for the CF Foundation, adding into the 7,000 we raised during our Great Strides walk in June! Nov and Dec were spent enjoying the holidays with family <3 and Dec 25th marked one whole year since Zoie has been admitted to Children's as in-patient! It was a lot of changes to our life this year, but we have been so blessed with two perfect little girls and a wonderful marriage.
In 2015, we won't be having a baby, buying a new home, or switching jobs, and we pray there are no surgeries for our girls. We plan to have a mellow year and to keep settling in to all the newness that is still around us. We hope to take a little mountain get away and I'm working on getting my butt into shape! If God has other plans for us for 2015, we will take them! Surly this year will be just as good though ;)
Here's to a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year!
I remember when you were born, 4 very short years ago. School wasn't even in your dad and I's minds. It's almost as if we forgot that when you have a child, part of them growing up is sending them off to school. You would think this would have crossed my mind being an Elementary Ed Grad, but we were so caught up in the now, and making sure we took our lives day by day, that no, school never came up. We decided to keep you home for your first year of preschool, due to your Cystic Fibrosis and learning delays. We wanted to strengthen your immune system an extra year, keep working on home therapies to help your brain development, speech, and muscle movement. You also had a very special friend at home to learn and grow with you; your baby sister Ivie. The last year you two have taught each other so much, she has pushed you, and you have pushed her. I'm so thankful we kept you home for that extra year! We have found a great preschool for you! It's called the Monroe Ear...
Love it, May God continue to bless you with many more joyous years :-)
ReplyDeleteClaudia, thank you <3