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21 months of pure...well almost pure bliss ;)

People always used to tell me to enjoy every moment of my life because in the blink of an eye it's like 10 years later.  I don't think I realized this until we had Zoie.  I feel like she was just born, just had her first birthday, and here we are celebrating 21 lovely months with her today.  Time really does fly!
I also have people ask me why I celebrate every month with her; I guess my answer would be because I can :)  but really, I love celebrating every month because with Zoie she is learning new things every month, hitting new milestones, accoplishing things we have been working towards for months, and proving doctors wrong.  Isn't that worth recognizing?  I think so!  Don't worry, when she turns two in three months, I will start clebrating every three months :)
At 21 months our little peanut, literally, is a whopping 16.8 lbs.  We were kinda set back by this winter, which I should probably prepare for every winter, with the flu and then a bacterial infection called C  Diff.  She is healthy, just very petite.  I am still aiming towards the goal of 20 lbs by her second birthday.  I love having goals because it gives us something to work towards.
We have also worked very hard the last month at our PT and OT. We are so blessed to have two wonderful therapists who come to our home once a week to work with Zoie.  We work a lot on balance because sitting for long perisods of time is tough for her.  She is so very cloe to sitting pretty well on her own, and she finally figured out that her hands go down by her sides and it helps her.  She mastered the concept of spinning this week and scrunches up her nose everytime she does it...kinda saying, "yeah, I know what I just did."  We also started giving her cod oil, it's really good for brain develpoement, eye sight, and healthy for you.  I swear, since we started it, she is a chatterbo!  I love it!  She will say sentences, I can't quite figure out what she is saying....but so far we have caught da, nana, hhii, and yeah.  SO proud of her!  She has also mastered rolling very fast across the room and propping herself up on her elbows to reach stuff. 
I know to some people all this stuff sounds small, or ordinary, but it's really stuff others may pass by and take for granted.  For Zoie, it's these huge milestones that mean she is one step closer to crawling, walking, and talking :) 
Now if you ask me about sleep, sleep is something we are still working on :)  Zoie loves to cuddle....that should explain it.  Trying to break habits before we have another baby is something that takes a lot of patience and time.   Oh, and praying...yes praying.

On a side note, tomorrow is Rare Diease day.  Zoie has two rare diseases, Cystic Fibrosis, and Microcephaly.  If you would like to support her and so many other kiddos, wear purple and show your support for different genes :)  I would love to see pictures so email them to me at or post them to my fb wall and Ill get them on this blog for everyone to see.

Here's to 21 incredible months with our little peanut, finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, and proving doctors statistis wrong with microcephaly.


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