This is Zoie helping mommy blog :0 She loves technology!
We have had such a wonderful and blessed week in our house. With Zoie feeling better, we have actually made plans and got to get out of the house. We enjoyed a fun coffee date with grandma followed by some Easter shopping at Target. If any of you moms are like me, I could go to Target everyday. It's the one store I don't get sick of. I always find a cute shirt, dress, or leggings for Zoie, I love the smell of their Up and Up brand baby cleansing wipes, and probably use them too often, so we always need those, and I feel like I'm always browsing their book section for a new good read.
Zoie rocked it in speech this week and we were told her vowel sounds are coming out more. We are working hard on the "P" sound by "popping" tissues in the air. A little like blowing them outward, just with the "P" sound. Derik got to come home early Wed and enjoy doing Zoie's OT with her! I love it when he can do that and see how well she is doing. I took advantage of the time and cleaned :) You would think I would use the time to read or relax....nope, I cleaned for an hour.
I had a first this week too, after almost two years of making trips to Children's for checkup appointments, Zoie and I road tripped it down there all on our own, with coffee in hand, and KLove on the radio. I have always taken someone with me, it's a little bit of a drive, sometimes Zoie enjoys company in the backseat, and there is a chance she may have a seizure. Did I mention I hate driving in Denver? ;)
Anyways, I was so proud because I stepped out of my comfort zone and did it all on my own. I am sorta prepping myself for when we have another kiddo and I may have to leave one and do it, or sometimes take two.
Zoie had a post-surgery follow up with the GI clinic. It went very well! In the last two weeks her lipase levels have went from 6,000 to 1,600, and her Analays levels went from 1,200 to 200. Thank you GOD! She is starting to gain weight back. When we left the hospital she was 15.8 lbs, and yesterday, two weeks later was 16.4 lbs. We really need to fatten her up especially because she is now 30 inches long! Our long and lean girl.
As we were in the waiting room, I read this quote on the wall and wanted to leave you all with it.
"The marvelous richness of human experience would loose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse."-Helen Keller
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