I am going to try to do short blog entries a few days a week to keep everyone updated on Ivie and Zoie, well and Derik and I. Short and sweet will do :)
Ivie was born Friday March 28th via c section at 11:22 am weighing 4.10 and 18. Inches long. She was 33 weeks 5 days. We have learned size doesn't matter, maturity does.
For the first three days she was on an oxygen pump to help expand her lungs. They weren't quite mature enough. She also got an IV right away in her foot for vitamins and fluids. She was then placed in an incubator for warmth and oxygen flow.
When we left the hospital yestrrday(Sunday) she has already improved. She was off the oxygen pump so her lungs are working all on their own. Her IV did get moved from her foot to her head. This looks scary, but it's actually very common in preemies and doesn't hurt her. She got her first feeds started Saturday through a mouth feeding tube which they switched out Sunday to a nose feeding tube. When we called last night her feeds were increased from 6cc to 12! And her IV fluids decreased . They go slow on feeds because her digestion is just now picking up.
She has already come a long ways and they even let her "try" to breast feed! I love cuddling her which we are only allowed to once a day and it has to be for at least an hour for stimulation reasons.
She loves laying on her side and tummy to sleep, but when she's awake and wide eyed her back is the best and she is so content. I am learning how to change her diaper too :) she is so tiny!
I am excited to go spend the evening with her and take her milk to grow big and strong!
Zoie is adjusting to me being home :) she is a little fussy at times but we are working on it. That's what happens when mama is gone for two weeks! I'm able to snuggle her for nap time since I can't hold her and I am feeding her again to help Derik. We go to Children's with her Friday for her second ramp up on her VNS. Her scar is healing nice though and we can't wait to sw soon when her and I are all healed :)
Derik did so good taking full care of her for two weeks! I think we are all adjusting to me being home, healing, trying to get rest, see Ivie everyday, and get ready for her to come home. I'm thankful to be home with my husband, even if he has to put up with my hormones!
I'm healing, slowly but surly! My emotions are a but crazy, okay,more than a bit, due to being home, having a baby, being tired, and leaving a baby. Sometimes I'm happy. Sometimes I'm sad. I am taking the advice of someone who said, " take care of yourself now and get healed so you can take care of your girls." I am concentrating on that <3
One day at a time. Prayer. And help.
Thank you everyone for the meals. We wouldn't be eating without them. And I'm serious when I say that :)
Hopefully Ivie will be happy to see me tonight <3
Ivie was born Friday March 28th via c section at 11:22 am weighing 4.10 and 18. Inches long. She was 33 weeks 5 days. We have learned size doesn't matter, maturity does.
For the first three days she was on an oxygen pump to help expand her lungs. They weren't quite mature enough. She also got an IV right away in her foot for vitamins and fluids. She was then placed in an incubator for warmth and oxygen flow.
When we left the hospital yestrrday(Sunday) she has already improved. She was off the oxygen pump so her lungs are working all on their own. Her IV did get moved from her foot to her head. This looks scary, but it's actually very common in preemies and doesn't hurt her. She got her first feeds started Saturday through a mouth feeding tube which they switched out Sunday to a nose feeding tube. When we called last night her feeds were increased from 6cc to 12! And her IV fluids decreased . They go slow on feeds because her digestion is just now picking up.
She has already come a long ways and they even let her "try" to breast feed! I love cuddling her which we are only allowed to once a day and it has to be for at least an hour for stimulation reasons.
She loves laying on her side and tummy to sleep, but when she's awake and wide eyed her back is the best and she is so content. I am learning how to change her diaper too :) she is so tiny!
I am excited to go spend the evening with her and take her milk to grow big and strong!
Zoie is adjusting to me being home :) she is a little fussy at times but we are working on it. That's what happens when mama is gone for two weeks! I'm able to snuggle her for nap time since I can't hold her and I am feeding her again to help Derik. We go to Children's with her Friday for her second ramp up on her VNS. Her scar is healing nice though and we can't wait to sw soon when her and I are all healed :)
Derik did so good taking full care of her for two weeks! I think we are all adjusting to me being home, healing, trying to get rest, see Ivie everyday, and get ready for her to come home. I'm thankful to be home with my husband, even if he has to put up with my hormones!
I'm healing, slowly but surly! My emotions are a but crazy, okay,more than a bit, due to being home, having a baby, being tired, and leaving a baby. Sometimes I'm happy. Sometimes I'm sad. I am taking the advice of someone who said, " take care of yourself now and get healed so you can take care of your girls." I am concentrating on that <3
One day at a time. Prayer. And help.
Thank you everyone for the meals. We wouldn't be eating without them. And I'm serious when I say that :)
Hopefully Ivie will be happy to see me tonight <3
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