Halloween is a few days away and it's one of our favorite days of the year at our house! We love being in a friendly neighborhood with lots of fun houses and kiddos to go visit. We have run into a problem the last two years with Zoie though and her basket full of candy; she can't eat it. Not because she is allergic of has allergies, but because she has scensory issues with chewing foods and is also what we call a tubie :)
Zoie eats puréed foods only during the day, and gets tube fed at night. When Zoie was 9 months old and so tiny, we along with her CF team make the decision that literally saved her life. We would have doctors place a GJ tube to the left of her belly Button that we could use to pump extra calories in her, rehydrate her when she is sick with water, and put her meds in her morning and night. She wouldnt be alive without it.
When we heard through a friend that people were participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project for kiddos with food allergies, it only made sense to also do it for tubies :)
Here is how it works: paint one or many pumpkins tael and have them sitting on your front porch, advertise a little to neighbors and let them know you have other goodies besides candy to hand out, we are doing glow sticks and color sheets with markers, and spread the word so neighbors can do the same! It's all about including everyone and getting away from exclusion! So, if you need some non candy treats message me and come to our neighborhood because several houses are participating! Thanks friends!
I remember when you were born, 4 very short years ago. School wasn't even in your dad and I's minds. It's almost as if we forgot that when you have a child, part of them growing up is sending them off to school. You would think this would have crossed my mind being an Elementary Ed Grad, but we were so caught up in the now, and making sure we took our lives day by day, that no, school never came up. We decided to keep you home for your first year of preschool, due to your Cystic Fibrosis and learning delays. We wanted to strengthen your immune system an extra year, keep working on home therapies to help your brain development, speech, and muscle movement. You also had a very special friend at home to learn and grow with you; your baby sister Ivie. The last year you two have taught each other so much, she has pushed you, and you have pushed her. I'm so thankful we kept you home for that extra year! We have found a great preschool for you! It's called the Monroe Ear...
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